Anna Afshar

Capturing the Moment
Recent Paintings by Anna Afshar
Artist Anna Afshar spent Summer 2023 in Europe teaching art classes and painting. Juniper was pleased to feature her paintings in our Special Exhibits Room from August 11 - September 24, 2023.
Opening Reception wass First Friday, Gallery Walk, September 1, with very special music by Chloe Grace (Dandelioness) 6:00 - 7:30pm
Artist's Bio:
Anna Afshar has been painting for more than 20 years. Her first degree is in chemistry, and she spent 20 years working for a diagnostic company, while doing art as a hobby. When she lost her “safe” job, she took her art to a professional full-time level, studying with many notable teachers and attending art school in Germany. These experiences changed her life, yet she still approaches painting with the perspective of a chemist. “The behavior of pigments on the surface is all chemistry and physics, and a little bit of the artist’s hand!”
Anna is a signature member of state and regional art organizations (in the US), and her awards include Best of Show at the Watercolor Society of Indiana 2015 Annual Juried Exhibition at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. One of her paintings was included in the juried Indiana Artist exhibition at the Indianapolis Museum of Art in Spring 2023.
Her paintings and commissioned works are found in many private collections around the world. She paints in three mediums, finding watercolor to be her first and lifelong love. Painting en plein air and capturing the moment is her favorite challenge.
Anna teaches watercolor and acrylics in the US and Germany, sharing her passion for art and spontaneity of water medium.
watch a video about Anna Afshar and her artwork
Artist’s Statement:
“Art is my way of life. The whole experience of painting for me is extracting some meaning in the chaos that is the world around me, making it more beautiful I hope ... My forte are city scenes and people, but I also love landscapes and other subjects. It’s all about the light and beautiful abstract shapes created by it! Every painting is also a story, the story I create and the story of the moment it comes to life.
I paint in several mediums, finding watercolor to be my first and lifelong love. Painting en plein air and capturing the moment is my favorite challenge. I travel extensively, painting and teaching watercolor, but I also create bigger pieces in my studio, in watercolor (on canvas), oils and acrylics.
My goal is to have fun and enjoy the thrill of making marks on the surface, wherever I am, connecting with people who appreciate it and find their own connection to what I create, and to inspire and to pass on my passion for art to others.” ~ Anna Afshar
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